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Gap Time is a Chat show about the manoto channel and programs. The presenter goes around the channel and interviews presenters and producers about upcoming shows. Answering with them questions coming from the viewer via social media.

Client: manoto TV

Project Name: Gap Time Seasonal Promo

Making a promo for Gap Time is mainly fun. As it is very establishes show and presenters are changing frequently. The concept that the content of the show is fed by the viewers via social media and that it's all about what is going on and coming up, it's very given.   Shayan is famous for his hats. The idea was taking the hat as an element to play around with the camera movement and take them as a transition from one location (show) to an other.

Director and Art Director: Mona Wishkahi
Script: Shayan Marashipour & Mona Wishkahi 
DOP: Charlie Locke

Editor: Adam Hughes

Client Name: manoto

Project Name: Gap Time Seasonal Promo

It came as a surprise when Arya was told to become the new presenter of that specific season. That's why I started with him getting a surprise phone call to "pick up" the show from the previous  presenter. With "picking up" the social media icons I communicate that in a very fast cutting style.


Director and Art Director: Mona Wishkahi
Script: Mona Wishkahi
DOP: Hani Warschian

Client Name: manoto

Project Name: Gap Time Seasonal Promo

In this season the emojis are playing a very substantial role. As with the emojis the viewer's emotions are being communicated. My idea was to make a normal start of the day were the presenters is followed  by the viewers comments and content they send it.


Director and Art Director: Mona Wishkahi
Script: Mona Wishkahi & Azadeh Rafeei
DOP: Markus Ilschner

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